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Photo of Mary Kay Campbell

Mary Kay Campbell

Mary Kay uses genuine interactions and storytelling to help clients connect with their audience, build brand awareness and increase revenues.
Owner at The Heart of Storytelling
For years, OK maybe more than a decade, I have heard been told I should start my own communications consulting company over and over again. As a single mom, my tolerance for risk was extremely low and branching out on my own seemed like a risk too big. But life has a way of bringing things to fruition whether itā€™s your plan or not.
In February 2021, I was in a terrible car accident. Iā€™d just moved to a new town for a job and the pandemic was in full swing. After I got out of the car, I sat in the ambulance, with blood dripping down my neck from the huge gash in my head, wondering who I could call to bring me home from the hospital. In that moment, I knew. I knew I needed to make some changes, the first was going ā€œback homeā€ to Charlottesville, VA.

I resigned from my job, sold my house and packed up to welcome my new lifeā€™s challenges. I knew I had a lot to offer and that things would somehow fall into place. You see, when you trust and rest in the pause, things really do work out.

In May 2021, I launched The Heart of Storytelling as a way to share my gifts and passions with the world.

I love words. Words matter. And bringing the heart and soul of a business, organization or individual to life through the written and spoken word is what gets me up in the morning. I want to help you tell your story. I want to help you connect with your clients in a meaningful way through the use of words that convey your why - your heart and soul.
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